Allevatore | Accoppiamento | Giallo |
Indermühle E. ... Grace of Châtillon 1446 Baulmes 033 356 04 91 | 079 650 72 94 |
Data della cucciolata 21.10.2024 ♂ Romida’s Charming Valentin ♀ Alya Ginger Grace of Châtillon |
♂ 3 ♀ 3 |
Indermühle E. ... Grace of Châtillon 1446 Baulmes 033 356 04 91 | 079 650 72 94 |
Data della cucciolata 22.10.2024 ♂ Romida’s Charming Valentin ♀ Ginger Rogers Of Golden Grace |
♂ ♀ 2 |
Blatter-Will M. & A. ... of Lakesight 3855 Brienz 079 754 27 75 E-Mail Web |
Data della cucciolata 08.11.2024 ♂ Golden Go-Getters Give me a Chance ♀ Nova of Goldenlove |
♂ 10 ♀ |
Rindisbacher M. ... von Kopfrein SCS Insegna d'Oro 3454 Sumiswald 034 431 16 14 | 078 811 64 28 E-Mail Web |
Data della cucciolata 30.11.2024 ♂ Cheek to Cheek the Wizard Ofoz ♀ Xoana-Amy von Kopfrein |
♂ 3 ♀ 2 |
Zaugg-Meyer B. & H. ... vom Schwandedörfli SCS Insegna d'Oro 3433 Schwanden 034 461 22 15 | 079 307 63 90 E-Mail Web |
Data della cucciolata 03.12.2024 ♂ Vitus Amor of Sunshine’s Valley Titel: CH Ausst. Ch. / CH JCh. ♀ Grace Miley vom Schwandedörfli |
♂ 2 ♀ 7 |
Vulliamy C. Les Perrevuis ... 1033 Cheseaux 021 731 18 22 | 079 661 23 01 E-Mail |
Data della cucciolata 23.12.2024 ♂ Cheek to Cheek the Wizard Ofoz ♀ Sierra Nevada les Perrevuis |
♂ 2 ♀ 2 |
Blatter-Will M. & A. ... of Lakesight 3855 Brienz 079 754 27 75 E-Mail Web |
Data della cucciolata 04.01.2025 ♂ Golden Go-Getters Give me a Chance ♀ Falea of Lakesight |
♂ 3 ♀ 5 |
Rohrbach R. ... of Golden Fall SCS Insegna d'Oro 3432 Lützelflüh - Goldbach 034 491 26 58 | 079 389 88 09 E-Mail Web |
Data della cucciolata 06.01.2025 ♂ Olvinglay Pageant ♀ Olvinglay Double Impact |
♂ 5 ♀ 5 |